Impact Stories

Help make these stories possible.

For more than 170 years, Carson-Newman has been raising up the next generation of servant-leaders through the core tenants of the Christian intellectual tradition. Dedicated to the pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, C-N graduates lead the way in numerous sectors of the marketplace, church, and society.

Below are just a few examples of the stories you can help make possible through your gift to construct the Drama and Ted Russell Center.

Allie Raymes

Allie Raymes is a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner serving in the newborn nursery at UT Medical Center. In just five minutes talking with her, you’ll discover that she has “the most incredible job there is!”

Each day, Allie performs health assessments of the infants in her care, reviews their charts, educates families in how to care for their newborn babies, and transfers infants to the Intensive Care Nursery, if necessary.

The job demands an intimate knowledge of the latest health science as well as deep familiarity with medical technology. This is why the Drama and Ted Russell Center is an important piece of C-N’s nursing program.

With multiple classrooms built with modern educational tools, general skills labs which house the latest medical-grade equipment, and hospital beds with medical simulation technology, C-N nursing graduates like Allie can grow in both medical knowledge and skills.

“Carson-Newman prepared me for my role as a NICU nurse by helping me stand out on applications as a nurse from a highly recognized nursing school! Working with [colleagues who are also] nursing students from Carson-Newman, I can tell they are a cut above the others.”

Kaylin Webster

As an RN working in labor and delivery at UT Medical Center, Kaylin has the opportunity to care for patients and their families during the most beautiful, and sometimes, the most tragic times of their lives. Kaylin graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May 2020.

Immediately upon graduating, Kaylin began her career tirelessly working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic working as a triage technician in the labor and delivery ward. Each day, Kaylin leverages the interpersonal skills, medical knowledge, and technical expertise she learned at C-N to bring quality care to the families she serves.

In this role, she has been able to leverage all of the skills and experiences that she had at Carson-Newman to encourage and coach her patients through the labor and recovery process even during a global health crisis.

With multiple classrooms built with modern educational tools, general skills labs which house the latest medical-grade equipment, and hospital beds with medical simulation technology, C-N nursing graduates like Allie can grow in both medical knowledge and skills.

“Through the clinical placements, knowledgeable professors, and other opportunities I had, I feel like I was very prepared for the job market. We were given multiple real-life simulations and case studies that aided in my critical thinking in various situations.”

Impact Stories – Shelby Bach ’17, ’21

Want to help more nursing heroes get the training they need?