DRAMA and Ted Russell Center
at Carson-Newman University

The answer to tomorrow’s need begins today.
The health needs of East Tennessee are rapidly growing – yet nursing shortage statistics reveal the United States is facing significant gaps in nurse staffing for decades to come.
The Drama and Ted Russell Center is the focal point of Carson-Newman University’s response to the call from our community and Appalachian region for highly trained healthcare staff.
As Carson-Newman’s brand-new health sciences building, it is one step in the larger Acorns to Oaks campaign, a strategic plan designed to answer the educational challenges of the 21st century.
“The health and wellness of individuals, families, communities, and populations depends on having a sufficient number of registered nurses prepared to meet the increasingly complex needs we face in East Tennessee. As the US nursing shortage is particularly evident in our region, it is essential that we produce high-quality registered nurses who are committed to living, working, and making a difference in East Tennessee.”
– Sandy C. Leake, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Senior Vice President & Chief Nursing Officer
The University of Tennessee Medical Center
“As a physician, I know that Carson-Newman produces highly qualified and capable nurses. This new on-campus health science facility will allow the training of more nurses which will help address the current nursing shortage and meet future needs as well.”
– Dr. Donald Parker, MD
Summit Medical Group
Strawberry Plains Pike Family Practice
We invite you to help us pursue God’s preferred future for C-N!
Through your gift, you can help finish construction of the Drama and Ted Russell Center and train the new generation of healthcare workers. Your generous support today can help fully fund the health sciences building project – and help provide world-class training to more C-N nursing students!
There are also naming opportunities available if you wish to leave a legacy through this exciting new facility.
Want to know more?
See for yourself how the Drama and Ted Russell Center will propel Carson-Newman students towards God’s preferred future for East Tennessee and beyond!